Mobile push notifications

With rise in mobile usage, sending timely, relevant and personalized push notifications instantly grabs users' attention, producing some of the best deliverability & engagement rates of any channel.

Mobile push notifications

Enhance user engagement

Leverage the power of push notifications to drive more bring users back to your app and improving your apps daily active users.

Announcements, updates & notifications

Nofity users of new app features, promotions and important updates, is an effective way to drive user engagement and retention.

Personlization & deeplinking

Tailor your notifications and offers to each individual user and end with a call-to-action, increasing the likelihood of conversions and sales.

Easy of integration mobile notifications integrates seamlessly with Google FCM and Expo, two of the most popular SDKs. Ensuring you don't need to make changes to your code.

Comprehensive insight offers a user-friendly data visualization, which allows businesses to easily track and analyse the performance of their notifications.